ソフトフラスコ W-MX 500ML

色: Blue
小計: $7.99
HAIMONT Flask Blue Soft Flask W-MX 500 ML

ソフトフラスコ W-MX 500ML


ソフトフラスコ W-MX 500ML

色: Blue

Hydrapak 製の 500mL ソフトフラスクは、次の冒険に備えています。当社のディスタンスパック用に設計された 2D ピンチ溶接構造には、着用時にかさばりを最小限に抑える柔らかい楕円形のショルダーが付いており、重量を感じさせずに水分補給のニーズを満たします。





装備の適合 性別 製品ID 重さ
アスレチックフィット ユニバーサル CN30160038 30グラム


  • Volume: 500ml
  • Weight: 30g
  • Material:TPU


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Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews

Doesn't leak, perfect size to hold during runs or stuff in a waist pack. Doesn't taste bad.

Lavaun Dean

I am very happy with this purchase (pack of 2, blue, 500mL). This is my first running flask. Bought it for a half marathon but also tested it during a 5K and several long training runs. I don't normally like to carry things when I run, but the size worked well for me, and I know that I can pour the water out and put the empty flask in my pocket if it gets annoying. It hasn't yet, but I do need to adjust my grip as the amount of volume in the flask changes. When full, I cannot store this in a traditional shorts pocket. It is too heavy and bulky. Maybe tights with pockets would be different? It rode up when I put it in the back pocket of my sports bra. I was skeptical about the bite valve, because my teeth are not tools, but I am a huge fan. I am able to drink water while racing, instead of choking on it, which has been a really positive outcome. And I was able to refill the flask twice during my half marathon without too much trouble (but I did have to stop to do so). I also like that it has a cap, which is removable. I can keep the nozzle clean during travel and remove the cap for racing, if I choose. I do wish the opening were a bit larger to fit ice cubes, but when I did chill it, the flask became very uncomfortable to hold in my hand. So unless you can store the flask on your body where that would be appreciated for a prolonged time, this checklist item is probably not such a big deal. Mine did not have any bad taste. While quite small in liquid volume, I would not want to carry a larger one in my hand. I did buy a 500mL flask as well, thinking that it would give me the option to carry more - you can fill it as much as you want - but I haven’t felt the need to test that one yet. The 500mL works just fine for me. I am not sure about how best to keep the flask clean, if not used regularly, as it is very hard to dry out the inside completely. For cleaning reasons, I have also only used water in the flask thus far.

Cory miller

Bought this to use in my vest for a 15k race and I had no issues. No leakage and I liked how I can fold the bottle once I have drank the contents. Can’t wait to use it for the half marathon!


These are excellent handheld waterbottles and are my new go-tos for my long runs. They hold the perfect amount of water (500ml) and work well with one bottle in each hand. The fabric carrier that holds the water bottles are extremely lightweight, comfortable, and allow you to keep the bottles secure without requiring you to grip the bottle tightly (saving energy). The hand hole is adjustable to keep the bottle snug as you empty the bottle, and the thumb hole is useful for keeping the bottle secure in your hand without actively squeezing it. The carrier also has a separate pocket for storing keys, cash, etc. I haven't tried carrying a phone in this (more weight than i prefer to lug around on my runs) but it appears it could accommodate one (maybe not the largest though.) The bite valve is very secure and doesn't leak. Great design as a squeeze valve would surely leak- this one requires a light bite while you squeeze the bottle to work. Overall a great performing design and an excellent price.


I like them because they have twice the capacity of my stock bottles in my running pack. They are tall enough to drink while still in the pack and easy to pull out for a quick refill at the aid stations or in the cool mountain streams. So far so good.