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Trail Running Vest Pack 8L Pro Lightweight With Multi-Pocket
SMART STORAGE:With an ultra versatile storage unit(12 pockets), it’s ideal for longer distance races or adventures.  Thoughtful design ensures every item is within reach, keeping you focused on the race.  PERFECT FIT:Designed to keep you moving in total comfort, this vest is lightweight, breathable...
Kid's Hydration Vest Pack Lightweight With Soft Flasks
Bright, energetic and fun, The Haimont kids vest packs a lot of power in a smaller container. Designed specifically for kids, The sleek and adjustable construction encourages your little adventurer to run confidently, without any unnecessary baggage weighing them down.  Lightweight, durable materials keep...
ベストパック 8L 調節可能な軽量ランウォーターベスト マルチポケット付き トレイルランニング
超軽量ランニングベスト トレイルランニング中の負荷を大幅に軽減し、中距離または長距離ランニング向けに設計されています。 ブラダーに対応したハイモントランニングベスト。ランニング中に簡単に水を取り出すことができます。便利なトレイルランニングバックパック装備。 複数の収納コンパートメントがあり、トレイルランニングに必要なものを簡単に収納できます。また、背面には、ブラダーの上部にフィットして滑り落ちないようにするループが付いています。これにより、長距離のランニングでも水を簡単に持ち運ぶことができます。 ランニングベストには人間工学に基づいた調整システムがあり、胸部ストラップの位置を素早く調整できるため、ランニング中にパックが揺れるのを防ぎます。背中と肩のストラップに柔らかいメッシュを使用しているため、通気性が最大限に高まります。この柔軟なデザインにより、ランナーは運動中に自由に呼吸でき、動きを制限されることなく動き続けることができます。 特別な詳細: ハイドレーションベストには安全ホイッスルと緊急用反射ストリップが装備されています。安全なホースストリップは、ランニング中の注ぎ口の安定性を確保します。フロントの伸縮性のある吊り下げにより、より多くの収納オプションが提供されます。トレッキングポール用の4つの伸縮性収納ストラップで、すぐに収納できます。 好きなところに。 装備の適合 性別 製品ID 重さ アスレチックフィット ユニバーサル CN10300346 222グラム ソフトフラスク2本(500ml)付属


Is A Running Vest Pack Or Belt Better? How To Choose?

by Vela Hu 21 Nov 2024 0件のコメント

Whether a vest pack or belt would be a better option for you is entirely dependent on your level of activity and what you hope to gain from these products. Longer runs and longer trail races would warrant a running vest pack, as your water refill stations may be far apart or non-existent. Your trail run or race may also require you to take along extra gear such as a waterproof jacket, extra nutrition, gloves, and first aid kit all of which can easily be carried in a running vest pack but possibly not fit into a minimalist running belt.
Alternatively, wearing a hydration belt would be more practical for shorter runs and races. If you’re still unsure of which option would work best for you, take a look at this quick summary of advantages offered by vest pack and belt respectively. 

trail running

Advantages Of Choosing A Running Vest Pack:
A running vest pack is vastly beneficial to anyone spending long hours out on the trails. A vest pack can simply hold more water and gear, which is essential when you’re covering long distances and need to keep up with your body’s demand for hydration and nutrition.
A vest pack is also the better option for those who need to carry around a lot of gear during their runs. If you have a phone, jacket, extra nutrition, chargers, and more that you need to take with you on your runs and races, then a vest is the right choice for you. Vests are can carry plenty gear without being too bulky on your back.

Advantages Of Choosing A Running Belt:
If a vest pack doesn't sound like the right option for you, you could consider getting a running belt instead. Running belts are favoured by short-distance runners, as they are built to fit snugly around your waist and carry only the absolute essentials.
Running belts are a great option for anyone who simply wants to keep a water bottle at their hip during short distances and carry other essentials such as a phone, keys and gels. Alternatively, a running belt is a great add-on for the very long ultra-distance trail races where they can supplement your running vest pack to carry additional nutrition, a phone and trekking poles.

Running less than 1 hour
On short runs for less than an hour, most people can get by without carrying any fluids. A fluid belt with a single bottle of 250-500 ml, or a smaller running vest/running backpack might also be a very good idea to bring, especially if its hot.

Running between 1-2 hours
If you are going out for somewhat longer runs, it might be a good idea to bring fluids and possibly energy-products or something else to eat. For this purpose one of the smaller running vests with a capacity of 2-6 ltr would be the perfect choice. Here you will find room for fluids, energy products and possibly an extra jacket or other clothing.


Running more than 3 hours
When you are active for more than 3 hours, you simply MUST bring fluids and energy products. lts also a good idea to bring extra clothes like a jacket, a hat and a neck brace, so you can change your clothes if the weather should change along the way.
Haimont Running backpack 5L or 8L with room for 2pcs 500ml soft bottles. Room for energy products, mobile, keys, fluid bladders and extra clothes.

Ultra running
For ultra running there is usually a number of things that you need to carry Therefore you need storage room so, in addition to fluids and energy products you can bring your mobile, clothes, a survival blanket, first-aid kit, hiking poles etc. Haimont Running backpack 10L series can meet this requirement.

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