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by Suremy Tse 04 Aug 2023 0件のコメント

一晩キャンプをすると疲れますか? この質問に対する答えは間違いなく「はい」です。





Will Camping Overnight Be Exhausting?



野外で自宅とまったく同じ睡眠環境を再現するのは、事実上不可能です。そのため、キャンプ初日の夜は一般的に最も大変です。翌日は、眠気がひどく、非常に不快な気分になります。初日の夜に 1 時間か 2 時間眠ることができれば幸運です。しかし、一晩中目を閉じることができない場合は、本当に困ったことになります。眠れず、目が覚めたときに頭痛がする状態になります。

一般的に、キャンプ初日の夜は、1、2 時間でも短時間の仮眠はとれます。しかし、眠れない場合は、不安になったりイライラしたりせず、落ち着いて横になって休むのがベストです。

2 日目は非常に重要です。1 日目夜の不快感から学び、睡眠環境を改善するための措置を講じてください。

したがって、一晩キャンプするのは疲れるかもしれませんが、克服できないわけではありません。次の 2 つの点に重点を置く必要があります。

  1. 最初の夜を生き延びる
  2. 2日目は環境改善。

The main reason for the difficulty on the first night is the change in sleeping environment.   Sleep is a tricky thing, which is really hard to say: some people can't stand any light, while others need a small night light. Some prefer a high pillow, while others like to sleep without one at all. Everyone has their own unique preferences, but when you go camping, the sleeping environment inevitably undergoes changes, making it harder for people to fall asleep.   It's practically impossible to replicate the exact sleeping conditions you have at home while you're out in the wilderness. As a result, the first night of camping is generally the most challenging. The following day, you feel groggy and extremely uncomfortable. If you manage to get an hour or two of sleep on the first night, you're considered lucky. However, if you can't manage to close your eyes all night, you're in real trouble. You find yourself in a state where sleep is elusive, and when you're awake, you end up with a headache.  Generally speaking, on the first night of camping, you can usually manage to doze off for a brief period, even an hour or two is sufficient. However, if you find yourself unable to sleep, don't get anxious or frustrated; it's best to stay calm and simply lie down to rest.  The second day is crucial: learn from your discomfort on the first night and take steps to improve your sleeping conditions.  Therefore, camping overnight can be tiring, but it's not impossible to overcome. You need to focus on two things:  1. Surviving the first night  2. Improving the environment during the second day.  Surviving the first night is essential, and you should take note of the following aspects:  1. Temperature: Make sure you don't freeze yourself to death. In reality, it's not just the cold that's a concern; the wind can be even more brutal. Avoid setting up your camp in windy areas, and ensure your tent is fully windproof.   If that's not possible, find ways to protect yourself from the direct impact of the wind. During my military training days, I had to sleep in sandpits. I would dig a hole in the sandy ground, place a tarp and a sleeping pad, and keep my clothes on while wrapping myself in a blanket and a sheepskin coat for camping. In the Chaidamu Basin in October, the nights were already freezing, and "snow in August" is no joke. In a sandpit, you get no protection from the wind, and to be honest, it's almost impossible to fall asleep. Initially, I was worried about sand getting into my sleeping pad and blanket, so I tried to separate them with the tarp. However, in less than two hours after nightfall, I gave up and just pulled the tarp over the top to block the wind. At that point, who cared about the sand anymore? Anything was better than freezing to death.  2.Humidity: Excessive humidity can be incredibly uncomfortable, leaving you feeling sticky all over, and your skin sticking to everything it touches. It's very unpleasant and makes falling asleep nearly impossible. Moreover, if moisture gets trapped inside your sleeping bag or blanket, it becomes even more uncomfortable, and as the night goes on and temperatures drop, it can turn uncomfortably cold.  During border patrols in Tibet, there were times when we had to sleep in gullies. The water vapor from India collided with the Himalayas, creating clouds and mist, which led to extremely high humidity. It felt as if you could wring rainwater out of the air. In such conditions, you need to protect yourself from both rain and moisture, and it's best to avoid using sleeping bags with synthetic linings. My trick was to bring along a small piece of thin plastic sheeting, lightweight but with a decent surface area, and place it underneath my sleeping area to insulate against moisture.  3. Snakes and insects: It's advisable to opt for a tent with mesh screens and complete enclosure to minimize any unnecessary risks. Snakes don't negotiate with you. Generally, snakes won't actively attack humans, but they can't predict whether you'll attack them. In case of a misunderstanding, if one bites you, even if it's non-venomous, it can still be a terrifying experience. So, when you venture outside your tent at night, make sure not to be careless and always use your flashlight when needed.  4.Mudslides: Before setting up camp, at least take a moment to survey the area. The world is vast, and there's no need to jeopardize your life by camping in a gully or under a cliff. There are plenty of safe places without the risk of mudslides or avalanches, so why do you insist on seeking excitement and putting yourself in harm's way? What's the point?  On the second night, you have the advantage of a full day to make improvements based on the challenges you faced with sleeplessness on the previous night. How exactly you can enhance your camping experience is something you'll need to figure out for yourself, as the environment and individual needs can differ. However, I do have a few items that I always bring along and would like to recommend to you.  1.Entrenching tool (Military Shovel): A versatile tool! It can dig trenches, chop wood, level the ground, and even be used in combat! It's an absolute essential for any household trip, military march, or camping adventure! Just make sure to avoid buying those "multi-functional" folding gadgets from online stores. Instead, look for the simplest and most functional type – the kind issued by the military!


1. 温度:



2. 湿度:



3. ヘビと昆虫:

選択することをお勧めします スクリーンキャノピーテント 不必要なリスクを最小限に抑えるために、テントを完全に囲い込む必要があります。ヘビは人間と交渉しません。一般的に、ヘビは積極的に人間を攻撃することはありませんが、攻撃されるかどうかを予測することはできません。誤解により、ヘビに噛まれた場合、たとえ毒がなくても、恐ろしい経験になる可能性があります。したがって、夜にテントから外に出る場合は、不注意にならないようにし、必要に応じて常に懐中電灯を使用してください。

4. 土砂崩れ:


2 日目の夜は、前日の不眠で直面した課題に基づいて改善するための丸一日という利点があります。キャンプ体験をどのように向上させるかは、環境や個人のニーズによって異なるため、自分で考え出す必要があります。ただし、私が常に持参しているいくつかのアイテムがあり、皆さんにお勧めしたいと思います。

1. 塹壕掘り道具(軍用シャベル):

多目的ツールです。塹壕を掘ったり、薪を割ったり、地面をならしたり、さらには戦闘にも使用できます。家族旅行、軍隊の行進、キャンプの冒険に絶対に欠かせないアイテムです。オンライン ストアで「多機能」と謳っている折りたたみ式ガジェットを購入するのは避けてください。代わりに、最もシンプルで機能的なタイプ、つまり軍隊が支給するタイプを探してください。

Will Camping Overnight Be Exhausting?

2. プラスチックシート:


Will Camping Overnight Be Exhausting?

3. ミネラルウォーターボトル:


Will Camping Overnight Be Exhausting?

翌日は、時間を最大限に活用して改善を図り、本当に疲れていることと相まって、2 日目の夜には眠りにつきやすくなり、かなり回復するでしょう。このプロセスはしばらく繰り返されるかもしれませんが、徐々に環境に慣れてくると、良くなっていきます。

したがって、キャンプは、環境の変化と適応の必要性から、主に疲れることがあります。心の準備ができれば、思ったほど不快に感じることはありません。重要なのは 2 日目です。その日に状況を改善する方法を見つけることが、その日を乗り切るのに役立ちます。この時点で、キャンプを本当に楽しむことができます。

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